*** Wicked Ascii Art - *** From - Wed Apr 30 06:42:10 1997 Path: online.no!sn.no!uninett.no!news-feed.inet.tele.dk!cpk-news-hub1.bbnplanet.com!news.bbnplanet.com!disgorge.news.demon.net!demon!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!fido.news.demon.net!demon!newsgate.unisource.nl!xs4all!not-for-mail From: joris bellenger Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art Subject: [pic] a bride to kiss Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 00:11:07 +0200 Organization: XS4ALL, networking for the masses Message-ID: <336671FB.22F6@xs4all.nl> NNTP-Posting-Host: asd07-27.dial.xs4all.nl Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-XS4ALL-Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 00:12:06 CEST X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01Gold (Win95; I) Lines: 41 [[[ THIS FILE WAS DOWNLOADED FROM WICKED ASCII ART ]]] Xref: online.no alt.ascii-art:14896 [a bride to kiss] ___ /\/_\_ \/ )))) ",".// \%_,O _||___ /)___/_\ '(_/\_)\/\ />,\\/ / \/\ \o\/==/\ \/o__ (/| /o\\ \,\\- // \ | \ /o| | \ \ / / / o \ \ / / \ | \ / | o / \ o \ \ / | \ \ / / / o / \ / | o \ ) | /__/\___/_____/\___o/ b'ger =' =' Print it and see by yourself: she's got great lips. -- ----- `,---------------------------------------------- ,\, # joris bellenger (b'ger) |/ ? e-mail: svzanten@xs4all.nl ----| ~ )\--------------------------------------------- /__/\ \____ / \_/ \ ascii-art gallery at: / <_ ____,_ \ http://www.afn.org/~afn39695/bger.htm --/___/_____ \---------------------------------------- \/|