*** Wicked Ascii Art - *** From - Sun Mar 9 11:46:09 1997 Path: online.no!uninett.no!nntp.uio.no!news.maxwell.syr.edu!newsfeeds.sol.net!uniserve!van-bc!n1van.istar!van.istar!west.istar!ott.istar!istar.net!tor.istar!east.istar!n4tor.istar!news3.idirect.com!lagoon.idirect.com!unet51.idirect.com Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art From: cq547@freent.toronto.on.ca (llizard) Subject: Re: req : ALCOHOL Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.8 (x86 32bit) X-Newsmaster: Laszlo Herczeg (las@idirect.com) Lines: 49 X-Client-Port: 1792 Message-ID: <33218896.0@lagoon.idirect.com> References: <5fq4u8$7qe@ccshst05.cs.uoguelph.ca> X-Nntp-Posting-Host: lagoon.idirect.com Date: 8 Mar 97 15:41:33 UTC Lines: 49 [[[ THIS FILE WAS DOWNLOADED FROM WICKED ASCII ART ]]] Xref: online.no alt.ascii-art:12547 In article <5fq4u8$7qe@ccshst05.cs.uoguelph.ca>, jbougie@uoguelph.ca says... > >Please send me any ascii-art that you have dealing with alcohol. This >includes logos and company names but not people puking in a toilet(I >already have it) Thanks in advance > >Please send to jbougie@uoguelph.ca Cheers! martini: o -.___/ ___ ___ | /| \o/ \o/ |_/_| ejm 97 Y Y | / | _|_ _|_ |/__| wine: {} _ _ || |_| |_| )( \ / \ / |__| ejm 96 | | | | _|_ _|_ |__| champagne: * * {} _* *_ [] |*| |*| || |_| |_| )( \*/ \*/ |__| ejm 97 | | | | _|_ _|_ |__| In honor of the occasion, I've left my party hat on. -- * /| ha / | ,^ ha -----%^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ha ha / " " / llizard aka ejm cq547@torfree.net