___ /___\ ___ ___/_____\___ /\ _\___ ///o_\o\\ ((\\ \ ___ \ //\\/ )o)\\ / __..--~~~--..__ . ~~~---...___ ___/\ _ /\__ ___...--~~ \_((\\_/\ . . . ____ . . /# #\/\ /\/ #\ . ___.. _)((\ \__..---~~~ . . __..-/# # # #o # # #\--~~~ /\\))(\__/ . . __..---~~~ /# /|# # # # |\# \ . / /())))))) . \ #\| # #o# #|/ #/ / //())))))) . \# \# # # # /# / \ \_())))))\ \|/ \|/ \_#\# #o# /_#/ \ \)____( / . _v_/ \____/__\_______. \ /____\/ . _____.-~(__\\\/____(((______()() (/ \ / _/[()'-------'| / \ \____.-~ | /\ | / \ \|/ . | || | /____________\ | || | | /\ | \|/ | || | | / \ | . . | || | \|/ ( \ / ) |___||___| |_( )_| |* || *| . | | | | . . _| || |_ _| / \ |_ JRO /__/)_||_(\__\ <_/\\ //\_> \|/ "You think I MEANT to be late fer supper? Rustlers tried to steal the herd on the back forty, the crick has flooded in the south pasture, the Kiowas staged another uprisin', a brushfire has burnt out the north flat, a twister done blowed away the barn, and on top of all that -- my dang HORSE demanded to stop at the saloon fer a bottle of red-eye."