Subject: Chess pieces... Date: Thu, 21 Nov 1996 00:18:40 PST From: (joan stark) To: References: <> нннн <> Date: 96-10-05 23:33:07 EDT From: (DAVID MOESER) Reply-to: (DAVID MOESER) To: Here's the final version of that file I sent earlier today. (Or, in other words, it's "final" for the time being! I've got to get back to some real "work"!!)........ Staunton-style Chess Pieces Row #1 = "regular" chess pieces. Other rows display at least one regular piece in order to compare sizes. (Except for chess King, Ascii art by david moeser, 1996.) .::. _::_ _/____\_ () \ / <~~~~> \____/ \__/ <>_ (____) (____) (\) ) __/"""\ | | | | \__/ WWWWWW ]___ 0 } |__| | | (____) | | __ / } / \ |__| | | | | ( ) /~ } (______) /____\ |__| |__| || \____/ (________) (______) /____\ /____\ /__\ /____\ /________\ (________) (______) (______) (____) (______) King Queen Bishop Rook Pawn kNight () <~~~~> / \ __ /~~~\ ####### \__/ / \ (__) ( o o ) (__o_o__) (____) /\/\ (_____) || \ - / \_ < _/ | | (____) | | || / \ | = | | | | | | | || <_> <_> | | |__| | | |_| || | | |___| /____\ |__| / \ || |_| /_____\ (______) /____\ (_____) /__\ /___\ (_______) (________) (______) (_______) (____) (_____) Oscar Queen Squirrel Unicorn Giraffe Dolly Parton ++++ _| |_ () < > <~~~~> \__/ \__/ (____) (____) ______ /\/\/\ __/"""\ | | | | (______) \____/ ]___ 0 } |__| | | \ __ / / \ / } / \ |__| | | \_ _/ /~ } [____] /____\ |__| |XX| \____/ /______\ (______) /____\ /____\ ____ /____\ |________| (________) (______) (______) (____) (______) Prime Queen Squirk Nixun Checker kNight Minister (blot) $$$ $$$$$$$ $$$ /^^^^^\ < o o > \ > / () \_=_/ <~~~~> (_____) \__/ __________ (_____) (____) /^^^^^^\ /_____ / | | | | `\____ 0 } WWWWWW / / |___| | | { } | | / / / \ |__| { } | | / / (_______) /____\ /___/ |__| /___/ (_________) (______) /____\ /____\ /____\ |_________| (________) (______) (______) (______) Fischer Queen Camel Rook Seven-Leaper () <~~~~> \__/ _()_ (____) /""""\ (____) /""""\ | | { 0__>> (______) ____ { 0__>> | | { } || || | __ | { } |__| {___} || || \ / __ {___} /____\ \_H_\ || || || (__) \_A_\ (______) / \ ||__|| /__\ _||_ / \ (________) (______) (______) |____| (____) (______) Queen Humphrey Dabbaba Senetor Guppy Agnu __ () (__) <~~~~> // \\ \__/ // \\ (____) /\ // \\ | | /__\ \\ // | | _______ (____) __ __ \\ // |__| (_______) | | ( ) ( ) \\__// /____\ | | |__| || || /____\ (______) __|_|__ /____\ /__\_/__\ (______) (________) (_______) (______) (_________) Route 50 Queen Ivory Tower Alfil Sidewinder Leaper __ _()_ _()_ / \ ( oo ) (o||o) __/"""\ | STOP | \__/ \||/ ]___ o } __ \____/ || || / } / \ || || || /~ } ( ) || _||_ _||_ /\ \____/ \____/ __||__ /____\ /____\ /__\ /____\ (______) (______) (______) (______) (____) (______) Zero Pyramid Elvis Elvis's Prawn kNight Guitar >>>------------------------------------<<< >>> <<< >>> censornati, ohio <<< >>>------------------------------------<<< * "It isn't like regular chess, is it?!" *