Subject: Re: Chips Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 11:33:27 -0500 From: "Clyde W. Watson" Reply-To: ASCIIArt -- Forum for discussing and sharing line printer artwork нннн To: Multiple recipients of list ASCIIART References: Some more attempts: UUUUUUUUUUUUU 3|\-----------/|E 3|| ||E 3|| (`)VLSI ||E 3|| ||E 3|| DECT chip ||E 3|| ||E 3|/-----------\|E NNNNNNNNNNNNN uuuuuuuuuuuuu e|\-----------/|e e|| ||e e|| (`)VLSI ||e e|| ||e e|| DECT chip ||e e|| ||e e|/-----------\|e nnnnnnnnnnnnn uuuuuuuuuuu .-----------, e| |e e| (`)VLSI |e e| |e e| DECT chip |e e| |e `-----------' nnnnnnnnnnn ,LLLLLLLLLLL. 3 E 3 (`)VLSI E 3 E 3 DECT chip E 3 E `TTTTTTTTTTT' ,tttttttttt. e e e (`)VLSI e e e e DECT chip e e e `tttttttttt' ___________ _[...........]_ ____________ r[oooooooooooo]n -Clyde