*** Wicked Ascii Art - *** From - Fri Apr 25 07:33:58 1997 Path: online.no!sn.no!uninett.no!news-feed.inet.tele.dk!cpk-news-hub1.bbnplanet.com!news.bbnplanet.com!howland.erols.net!newsxfer3.itd.umich.edu!portc01.blue.aol.com!audrey02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail From: spunk1111@aol.com (Spunk1111) Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art Subject: Re: NEED ASCII Date: 24 Apr 1997 22:36:25 GMT Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com Lines: 33 Message-ID: <19970424223500.SAA13904@ladder01.news.aol.com> References: <335C1B22.18D9@wolf.co.net> NNTP-Posting-Host: ladder01.news.aol.com X-Admin: news@aol.com X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader Xref: online.no alt.ascii-art:14699 In article <335C1B22.18D9@wolf.co.net>, "Cory Hansen " writes: >yah, could someone draw a kick ass computer with a kick ass sword >(knife) goin through the screen, if big enough maybe have the word Conet >on the screen and Jnco on the sword. Don't know if you'll consider this as 'kick-ass' or not... let me know. ___________ |.---------.| @)___||_ ||_______ {8*JNCO*888{______}CONET ||_______> @) ||_________|| `----)-(----` ____[=== o]___ |::::::::::::::|\ jgs `-============-`() -joan -- ,,, ,,,spunk1111@juno.com {{{}} ,,, {{{}} ,,, ,,, ~Y~ {{{}},,, ,,, ~Y~ {{{}},,, {{}}} |/,,, ~Y~{{}}} {{}}} |/,,, ~Y~{{}}} ~Y~ \|{{}}}/\|/ ~Y~ ,,, ~Y~ \|{{}}}/\|/ ~Y~ ,,, \|/ \|/~Y~ \|,,,|/ {{}}}\|/ \|/~Y~ \|,,,|/ {{}}} \|/ \|/\|/ \{{{}}/ ~Y~ \|/ \|/\|/ \{{{}}/ ~Y~ \|/\\|/\|/ \\|~Y~// \|/ \|/\\|/\|/ \\|~Y~// \|/ \|//\|/\|/,\\|/|/|// \|/ \|//\|/\|/,\\|/|/|// \|/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ASCII ART GALLERY: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/