*** Wicked Ascii Art - *** From - Sun Dec 8 23:27:01 1996 Path: online.no!sn.no!news-stkh.gsl.net!news.gsl.net!news-peer.gsl.net!news.gsl.net!news.sgi.com!su-news-hub1.bbnplanet.com!news.bbnplanet.com!cpk-news-hub1.bbnplanet.com!portc02.blue.aol.com!audrey01.news.aol.com!not-for-mail From: spunk1111@aol.com Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art Subject: Re: REQ: Fireplace Date: 8 Dec 1996 04:02:44 GMT Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com Lines: 53 Message-ID: <19961208040200.XAA01573@ladder01.news.aol.com> References: <32A99F6A.3BCA@worldnet.att.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: ladder01.news.aol.com X-Admin: news@aol.com X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader In article <32A99F6A.3BCA@worldnet.att.com>, "John Galbreath Jr." writes: >I would be very grateful if someone has a fireplace. I have some that you could use: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= & , <^)_//) ____(___)_)_____ Why did the farmer put a [________________] chicken over the fireplace? | ________ | | | | | | | | | - because he wanted | | ( | | a "mantel cluck" _| | ). | |_ | | (:') | | jgs |____|=~=~~=~=|____| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= and | _...._ \ _ / .::o:::::. (\o/) .:::'''':o:. --- / \ --- :o:_ _::: >*< `:}_>()<_{:' >0<@< @ `'//\\'` @ >>>@<<* @ # // \\ # @ >@>*<0<<< __#_#____/'____'\____#_#__ >*>>@<<<@<< [__________________________] >@>>0<<<*<<@< |=_- .-/\ /\ /\ /\--. =_-| >*>>0<<@<<<@<<< |-_= | \ \\ \\ \\ \ |-_=-| >@>>*<<@<>*<<0<*< |_=-=| / // // // / |_=-_| \*/ >0>>*<<@<>0><<*<@<< |=_- |`-'`-'`-'`-' |=_=-| ___\\U//___ >*>>@><0<<*>>@><*<0<< | =_-| o o |_==_| |\\ | | \\| >@>>0<*<<0>>@<<0<<<*<@< |=_- | ! ( ! |=-_=| | \\| | _(UU)_ >((*))_>0><*<0><@<<<0<*< _|-,-=| ! ). ! |-_-=|_ |\ \| || / //||.*.*.*.|>>@<<*<<@>><0<<@>>>>>| ( ~~~ )/ (((((((()))))))) ~~~~~~~~ '""""`------' `w---w` `------------' -joan -- _/\_ __/\__ ) (_ _) .' ( Season's Greetings! `) '.( ) .' (` `-._\()/__(~` ()() joan stark / |`\ spunk1111@juno.com jgs ) : ( `)_/` http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/