Subject: New Ascartist... Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 04:52:02 -0800 From: Chaos Reply-To: ASCIIArt -- Forum for discussing and sharing line printer artwork нннн To: Multiple recipients of list ASCIIART I've been admiring some of the wonderful asciiart on and around the web, and finally screwed up my courage enough to try my hand at free hand ascii. Here's My first attempt- Please tell me what you think! A ANA AWWWA AWWWWWA ANNN%NNNA .ada. NNN%!%NNN .ada. .aANNNNAA ANN%!%!%NNA AANNNNAa. '~NNWWWWWWWA V ~"~ V AWWWWWWWNN~' '~GGGGGGLV A A VJGGGGGG~' '~~~"' Ai ^ ^ iA '"~~~' .addamAA :~^~: AAmadda. AAMmMmmVVi ::: iVVmmMmMAA AmMmMmMV VV a"a VV VMmMmMmA 6MMmMmMV ~VVAVV~ VMmMmMM6 AMMMMMB ~ ~ GMMMMMA MMMMMJ UMMMMM MMMM~ ~MMMM VMV VMV V V **Chaos Aka; The Schizophrenic Ghost**