*** Wicked Ascii Art - *** From - Wed Jan 8 07:07:20 1997 Path: online.no!sn.no!hermod.uio.no!nntp.uio.no!news-feed.inet.tele.dk!enews.sgi.com!arclight.uoregon.edu!news.sprintlink.net!news-peer.sprintlink.net!worldnet.att.net!uunet!in2.uu.net!!newstf01.news.aol.com!audrey01.news.aol.com!not-for-mail From: spunk1111@aol.com Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art Subject: Re: Please! mermaid wanted Date: 7 Jan 1997 20:58:43 GMT Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com Lines: 36 Message-ID: <19970107205600.PAA10077@ladder01.news.aol.com> References: <5ashmi$c7n@lana.zippo.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: ladder01.news.aol.com X-Admin: news@aol.com X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader Xref: online.no alt.ascii-art:9850 In article <5ashmi$c7n@lana.zippo.com>, Julnar The Mermaid writes: >Anyone have a mermaid? I have several on my homepage... except this new one: -=[mermaid]=- 12/96 .---. / /"\ \ )/a a\( ( ( - ) ) ) ) ( ( (__) \ ) /,(@)~(@\__) \\ \ / // \\/\'/\// (/^.^.^\) |^.^.^| |^.^.^| \^.^.^/ \^.^/ )^( /^.^\ /.^,^.\ jgs,/-,-|-,-\, ^~^~^`^~^~^ -joan -- _ _ __.---. _ _ ( \/ ) /__|6\ ) .-. ( \/ ) \ / `-\_/ / / 6_6_ \ / \/ ,) (, \ (___\ \/ // \\ ,) (, ____________________{(_____)}__ // \\ (_ punk1111@juno.com ""|||"" __{(_____)}____________)tark, joan ||| ""|||"" ASCII Art Gallery: | jgs | http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/