Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art Subject: Re: WIMMEN Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 21:57:10 +1300 Organization: Wave Internet Services Lines: 197 >>> >>> >>> >>> @@@ @@@ >>> @("} {")@ >>> @(.(.)\__ __/(.).)@ >>> @@@) ( """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ) (@@@ >>> ( . ) ( . ) >>> \ ) / \ ( / >>> \\.-' ,' / ', `-_// >>> // ~-~ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '~ \\ >>> / \ >>> "Consciousness is a product of the brain no more & no less >>> than earwax is a product of the ear"-Martin Hunt on a.r.s This one was done by Normand Veilleux and you can find some more of his work at .m88888888888888m, .a8888888888888888888b, d88888888888888888888888b, d88888888888888888888888888, d8888888888888888888888888888b d888888888888888888888888888888b d88888888888'""""""'888'""""`8888b .888888888I" "888, d8888888I( '"""" / '""" 888b 88888888I ,aaa, . : ,aaa, 8888, .8888888I( `b8d' : I `b8d' (888b d8888888I ] [ )8888, 88888888I ) ( 8888b .8888888II, ) ) )888I d8888888III ( ) (888I 88888888III `-a-a' 8888I .888888888I, ____ d8888' d8888888888I, M""""""M d88888 888888888888I, "aaaa" d88888I 88888888888888I, d888888' 8888888888888888I, d8888888 I88888888888888888I;. .d8888888) `888888888888888888I `-====-'I88888888' d888888888888888888b . .8888888" 88888888I" "888888, . :888888" d888888I' "88888, : :88888" 888888I' "88888, ::8888" d88888I' 888888, ::888" 88888I' "888888, :I88 d8888I' "888888, .8, 88888I "888888, 8 d8888I' "888888a I 88888I "888888b, b ,8888I' "8888888, b, 88888I : "888888, b, 8888I' ;8, "88888, b, (888I' ;888 "8888, b, "88I' ;888' ""8, \, 88I ,88" "b,`a, d8' d8" "b,`b, ,8I ,8" "a `b 8I' ,8" ; `A, `b, ,8I ,8" ;: `8, `b, 8I' 8I I: ,8; Ib :8I d8' I; 8888 )8a d8' d8I `8, 8888M 888M 8I "8I "b, `888' "88' 8I "8I "b, `8" A" 8I "8, "8, ,8" ,8 8I, "8, "8b. ,8" ,A" "8I, "8, "8a, .,d8" .m8" "8I, "8, "8baaadI88" ,m8" "8I, "8, `""" dI8P" "8I, "8, 8 "8Ia "8, 8 "8I, "8, I 8 "8Ia "8; ,I 8 "8I, `8I, ,I' ,8 "8I, "8, ,I' :8 "8I, "8, ,aP' d8 "8I, "8b "' 8: "8I, "8, 8' "8a, "8, :8 d8I88, "8, d8 .88' `I8, "8, ,8: d8' `I8, "8, @@ .8I "I8 "8, @@, d8' `I8 "8, "I8 ,8I I8, "Pb :8 ,8I' `8I "b. 8 ,8I' I8, "b. 8 ,8I `8I , "b,8 ,8I' I8, '8 `f8 .d8" `I8, I8m,a8 ,d8' `8I I I I 8 "",8 ,8I' `8 I I I 8 dI d8' 8 I I I 8 ,8 a8' 8:I I I 8 8' .8I "8:I I:8 ;8 d8' "8:8" ,8' 8I ,8' 8I ,8' 8I 8I 8I 8: ]8, ,ad 8 8I, ,d" 8, `8I, d8' 8b `8I dI :8 (8, dI 8 8I d8 8 `8, ,8' 8 8I,8) ,8 I8II dD :8I 8I 8I 8' 8I 8 8I ,8 8I :8 I8 d8 I8, ID I8) 8' (8I d8 `8I 8' 8I d8 8I 8' 8I d8 8I 8' 8I d8 8I 8' 8I ;8 88, 8' (8"8 ,8 (8 8, dP )8 8) 8' I8 8I ,8 I8 I8, d) 8I `8I 8' 8I 8I d8 ,8I ,8I :I"8P d8' I8' II 8 ,8I 8I II ;8 d8' 8I " .8' .8I 8I dI dI' ,8I 8' ,8' 8I' ;P ,8I ,8I ,8' d8' 8I' 8' 8I ,8I .8 8I 8I' dP 8I I8 8I 8I ,8' 8[ I8, 8I 8' :8I 8I 8 8I 8I 8 I8 8I 8 :8 8I 8 8,8I :8 :I8I ;8 88I )P ]8I, ;I :8I) d; 88I 8; 8I8, 8' 8:8I, 8 8; 8) 8 8I 8I 8 8I 8I, 8 8I "8) 8 8I 8I 8 ;8I 8I 8 ,8I' 8I 8 ,8I' 8I 8 8I' 8' 8 8I, 8a, 8 "8I, "8I 8 "8I, 8' 8. "8I:8 8) "8I 8b I8 (8 ,8I I8=-, ,8I' 8==' ,8I' d( 8I( 88 8) "8b, MI "b, "8b, "b, "8b, Ib "8b, "I, "8a "I, "8, "Ib, `Pb, "Pb:===, "8a =..=, "8, =..=, `8b,,,,,.=..=, """""""'' Cheers from Muz