*** Wicked Ascii Art - *** From - Tue Nov 19 19:53:58 1996 Path: online.no!Oslo2.Norway.EU.net!Norway.EU.net!nntp.uio.no!www.nntp.primenet.com!nntp.primenet.com!feed1.news.erols.com!news.bconnex.net!news.lightlink.com!mv!news.missouri.edu!hptemp1.cc.umr.edu!gong From: gong@saucer.cc.umr.edu (Phillip Gong) Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art Subject: Re: REQ: muppets? Anyone? (....please?) Date: 13 Nov 1996 14:21:59 GMT Organization: UMR Missouri's Technological University Lines: 113 Message-ID: <56cli7$k53@hptemp1.cc.umr.edu> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: saucer.cc.umr.edu X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Ben WAKELY - Ben (benw@halls1.cc.monash.edu.au) wrote: :Anyone have any ascii pics of muppets/can be bothered to make some? Got some from Allen Mullen. Again, I am a collector, so I didn't design or convert any of this images.. i am tired of typing all this bs too! Cookie Monster .,. ,nMMMMMMb. .,,,. dP""""MMMMMb - .nMMMMMMMn. `M MMMMMM> uMMMMMMMMMMMb Mx uMMMMMM . .,,. MMMMMMP" '"4M.`4MMMMMMMMM' ?J$$$$ccc"= MMMMMM 4M' "4MMMMP" z$c,"?$c,""$c$h= "MMMMMb,..,d' hdzc ,cc$$$$$$$$$$L.$c " c"` `4MMMMMMP" ,$$$$$$c,$$$$$$$$$$$$"?? ,c?$. ,cc,. .,zc$$$$$3?$?$P"? " " " $$$$h` - ,c$$$", c$$$$$$$$PP ,$$$$$c )$$$$$$$P"$$$$$" " $c,"$c/ * ' ,cc$$$$$"".d$?? " J$$hc$= ,c" d$$??c=" '!! z$$$$$?? = `??-$""? ?" ' . d$$$""$ccc =`" " " ,d$$$$P $$$"- d$$h. ,;! ,d$$$$P" .$$$h. = . !> -$$$$$P zd$$$""$. " "$" $c ! `!,!'!;,,;!--!!!! `$$P .d$$$$$h $c" $ d$".`!! `'''`!!!! !!,! $C,d$$$$$$$$.`$- " $."$ ' ,zcc=cc ``'``<;;!!!> $?$$$$$$$$"$$F" "=" .J,??"" .$",$$$$- '!'!! $<$$$$$$$$h ?$=. ".d$""",chd$$??""""".r > !'.$?$$$$$$$$"=,$cc, # ,c$$",c,d$$$"' ,c$$$$$$"'!;!'.$F.$$$$$$$$. $$$."L d $$$c$$$$$" ,hd$$$$??" z !!`.P' `$$$$$$$?? $$$P .. ,cd J$$$$$$$P',$$$$$$".,c$$" `.d$h h $$$$$$P"?.?$$ ,$$"" c$$' $$$$$$$C,$$$$$$"',$$$P"z $$$$"-$J"$$$$$ ,$$?$F.$L?$$L ,$",J$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" ,$$$C,r" $$$$$$$"z$$$$$$$$$,`,$$"d$$?? .dF $$$$$$$$$$$$$$P" $$$$$$$F.-,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%d$$F$$$$cc,- ,$( c$$$$$$$$$$$$$$h,c$$$$$$c=".d$$ """',,.. .,.`""?$$$$$$.`?c . d$$.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P""P" ,c$$$$$c,"=d$$$$$h."$$$c,"$$$$$$. $$c $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P"",c" ,$$$$$$$$$h. `?$$$$$$$$$$P'.""`?$$.3$cr z$$$$$$$$$ 3?$$$$$$$$$ccc$P ,$$$$$$$$$$$$$h.`"$$$$$$$$$c?$c .`?$$$$c dd$$"J$$$$$$$P $$$$$$$$F?$$$" .d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$L.`""???$$$$$$$$$c ?$C? c$$$$ $$3$$$$$$ `$$$$$h$$P"".. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$??""" ,ccc3$$$$$$$$$ hL`?$C h$$$$$>`$$$$$$$$$.$$$$$??',c$" $$$$$P)$$$$$P" ,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ "$ ."$ $$$$$$h.$C$$$$$$$$$$$ccc$P"3$$ ,$$$$$ "$$$P" =""',d$$???""',$$$$$$$$ $cc " $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P$$?$$$.,c??",c$$$$$L$J$P" zchd$$$$,ccc$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$3$$$F" c$$$$$$$$$$ ,cc$$$$$$P"""""`"""??$$$$$$$$$$$P/ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$??)$$$JC".d$$4?$$$$$$$$$c .,c=" .,,J$$$$$$$$hc,J$$$$$$$$$$% $$$$$$$$$$$$"".,c$$$$CF $$$h"d$$$$$$$$$h "',cd$????$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$z $$$$$$$$$P??"3$$P??$$" ,$$$FJ?$$$$$$$$$$cc,,. ,,. =$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$hc$$$$$r$P"' $$$$."-3$$$$$$$$$$$$$"$"$$$c, ""????$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$3$$$$$$$h.zccc$$ ,$$$$L`,$$$$$$$$$$$$$L,"- $$$$$cc -cc??)$$$$$$$$$$$$ Oscar _,,>- -. .,` .,' -` ''!!!''' ..,,,,,,. ''''' ' ..;;;<; ,,< ..;;;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'.,,,;;;;,,.````' !!!''``..;;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!; ''.;'``'.,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''''```'.,,,,,,,,,,,. .,'''``...= -?$$F '!!!!!!!!''` ;!!'',;`$$$$$cc== ;!!!''',-''` ,c= ,dMM" "L. .,cc 4L JMMP cc"?$$$$$c??, '''.-'` ,<.)!!!!> .$h.? /??"""" " `'!!!!!!!!!!' z$$r',` ,c=. ,cccccc,. ```''''' ,cd$$$$F ` `"z$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$hcccc,.,c,,ccc$$$$$$$$$P' 4?$F$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$?$$P= `'"""P$$$?$$$$$$"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$C3l$$P' /-$P?$c$"$$$$hdhC$$$$$$"$$$$?$$$P""? " `" """h.)J??$$$$$$$$$h. J""= ??% - . c`" `""""?$"??C"?`=... .. '!!'`````---.. ,;;;'''`''.r.-`,$c - c,"-== J --ccc$c,.` !!!!!!>.``'';. .;;!''',;;'`'' " `,$$??-,cr?$hccd$$cc$$''." !!!!!!!!!!!(. . `!!!!!` < '!!!!!!!!!!!!''` ,,c,dc$hc,$$$c `$F ,cd$F .$cc "$$$$$$,`$h`c `' ,;; '' !!!> `!!''..``"" MP' M !! .;!!; !!>; M ! > '>!!!!!> !! !!!!; `!!!' ;!!; `!!! ;!!; `;<.;;; M !! !!!!! `!>' M ! ! '>!!!!!! !> !!!!! '!!! '!!! !!!!> !!! !! M !! !!!!! !!>',M ! ! ''!!!!! !>;!!!!! '!!! !!!!! !!! !! 4 !! !!!!! '`,nP' ! >. !!!!! !!!! '!!!!>'!!! !!!!! !!!;!!.`b_` ```_,,="" , !! !!!!!> !! !!!!! !!!! ;!!!!>'!!! !!!!! !!!!!!!>,`""""""' ;;!!!!!! !! -- ,-~~-.___. Phillip Gong / | ' \ ( ) 0 Phone : 911 \_/-, ,----' E-Mail: gong@umr.edu ==== // WWW : http://www.umr.edu/~gong / \-'~; /~~~(O)---------------------------------------------------- / __/~| / |I cannot believe that God plays dice with the cosmos. ==( _____| (_________| -- Albert Einstein